
But all they want to do/ is tie the poem to a chair with rope/ and torture a
confession out of it….
From “Introduction to Poetry” by Billy Collins

Hanging Fire by Audre Lorde
I am fourteen
and my skin has betrayed me
the boy I cannot live without
still sucks his thumb
in secret
how come my knees are
always so ashy
what if I die
before the morning comes
and momma’s in the bedroom
with the door closed.

I have to learn how to dance
in time for the next party
my room is too small for me
suppose I die before graduation
they will sing sad melodies
but finally
tell the truth about me
There is nothing I want to do
and too much
that has to be done
and momma’s in the bedroom
with the door closed.

Nobody even stops to think
about my side of it
I should have been on Math Team
my marks were better than his
why do I have to be
the one
wearing braces
I have nothing to wear tomorrow
will I live long enough
to grow up
and momma’s in the bedroom
with the door closed.

Will you please tell me:
Who is speaking in the poem?
The poem is being spoken by a young girl.
How are they speaking to the reader?
The girl is speaking to the reader in first person because, in parts of the poem she says things like “I”.
What do you think this poem is about?
I think this poem is about a young teenage girl and her insecurities. She talks about how people don’t even stop to listen to what its like for her. She speaks about that in there. (What is “that in there?”)
What is the speaker worried about?
She is worried about not being able to dance at the next party, or having new clothes. She is worried about her appearance. (Can you describe this worry in a general way, rather than giving examples?  What do all of the examples together mean?)
What else can you figure out about the state of mind of the writer?
She is very cautious. She worries a lot about what people think of her, and is always trying to change herself. (Change herself for what reason?)
Why does the poet repeat “and momma’s in the bedroom with the door closed?”
I think it means that while everything is going on in her life, she feels that her mother is closing her off, and she has no one to talk to about it. (Give me one word to describe her emotions.)
What do you think you know about the poet after reading this poem? What
specifically in the poem reveals their character/emotions/fears?
Maybe her life growing up wasn’t that great, that she had some hard times. She feared what people thought of her, and wanted to be almost like a perfect person.
Do you ever feel like the writer of this poem?
I feel like her sometimes. When i feel like i need to newest clothes to look good, or i feel like i should have gotten something that i didn’t. (Is a small i the way this pronoun written?  We are not texting in this assignment.)
Where does the poet use language in surprising ways?
I did not see any language used in surprising ways.
Is the poet complaining? Why or why not?
In a way she is complaining, but in a way she isn’t. She talks about how no one listens to her side, and how she should have been on the math team instead of him. That sounds like complaining, but in a way she is just telling her story.
Is there conflict in this poem? Is it internal or external? How do we know?
There is conflict in this poem. Its is internal conflict. She is basically in conflict with herself. Fighting about how she should look, how she should act and be. (Where do these “shoulds” come from?)

I just finished reading a book called “Swan Town” by Michael J. Ortiz. It is a book written in the point of view of Shakespeare’s daughter, Susanna.

I think the author wrote this book because he wanted something new and different out there. I don’t think there are many books written from his daughters point of view. You always here about Shakespeare and what a great writer he was, but you don’t really hear or learn anything about his family, or how they lived while he was away in London working. The theme of the book, I think, is really telling what it might be like to be Shakespeare’s daughter. It tells about the way life for her and her family was, about how her little brother died, and the sacrifice her uncle made. Although it may not be exactly correct of how she lived, its a good way to get a feel of it.

   For my “English” class, my mom is having me read Swan Town. It is a book written in the point of view of Shakespeare’s daughter, Susanna. She writes about how women are not allowed to be in the theater, and how much she wants to be. The reason for me reading this book is, since I was studying Shakespeare in school, my mom thought it would be a good book for me to read.

    Right now,what  my teacher is teaching/showing in class, my mom does not think is appropriate for school because it shows teenagers nude and having sex.  My teacher does not answer my moms emails, so until someone decides to talk to my mom, this is what I’ll be doing.

Vera’s spent her whole life secretly in love with her best friend, Charlie Kahn. And over the years she’s kept a lot of his secrets. Even after he betrayed her. Even after he ruined everything.

So when Charlie dies in dark circumstances, Vera knows a lot more than anyone—the kids at school, his family, even the police. But will she emerge to clear his name? Does she even want to?

Edgy and gripping, Please Ignore Vera Dietz is an unforgettable novel: smart, funny, dramatic, and always surprising

Maura and Patrick have escaped the desperate poverty and danger of leaving home in Ireland to face even greater peril as they continue their daring voyage to the New World with their friend Laurence Kirkle. Aboard ship, they are crowded into the stench-filled pit of steerage, where they come face to face with illness and death, trying their best comfort and protect eight-year-old Bridy, who has lost both her parents. They find themselves at the mercy of fellow passengers—shady characters like Mr. Shagwell, an American in dire need of cash, and the conniving Mr. Clemspool, who sails first-class with young Mr. Grout, haunted by his criminal past. Ahead lies their future in America, fraught with danger and more crisis than they ever anticipated.

This summer I took a Cosmetology class at a place called KCC (King Career Center).  At first I was really looking forward to going to class, but once I got there I was disappointed.  All we did was sit there in the lab and do our hair. The first day she did show us a demo on how to shampoo hair, but that was it.

I hoped it would get better as the class kept on, but it didn’t. We were basically allowed to do whatever we wanted. We were allowed to take naps as long as it was on the facial beds so that way if somebody walks in and asks why that girl is sleeping, we can say she’s getting a facial. We could curl, straighten, and style our hair, but after a few days of doing that it got boring. Not to mention all the heat damage done to it in those 2 and a half weeks.

We could do manicured also, but if yours were already done, you didn’t want to take off all the work and redo it. The lights in the lab were off most of the time, so it was made even harder for all of us to stay awake. If we did fall asleep at out chair we got in  trouble. You are also not allowed to read anything in class unless it has to do with Cosmetology. Which is just a bunch of pointless magazines…. and not even the kind I like to read!

I must have read at least four books at that class.  If the teacher caught you reading a regular book, which she did with me….. a lot, she would tell you to put it away. When that happened to me, I would either read it underneath the table, or go out into that lab in the dark corner and read. If she came by, I just closed the book and pretended to do my hair.

Here is something i wrote on a piece of paper in the middle of class

By the last two days of school, i was so bored out of my mind that i didn’t feel well enough to last through the full  day of school, and stayed home  the last day because i still wasn’t feeling well.

(Photo from Anchorage School District website. The front of King Career Center, Anchorage, Alaska behind Wendler Middle School.)

Eleven-year-old Harriet Whitehead is an outsider in her own family. She feels accepted and important only when she is entrusted to write letters for her blind stepmother. Then Nat Turner, a slave preacher, arrives on her family’s plantation and Harriet befriends him, entranced by his gentle manner and eloquent sermons about an all-forgiving God. When Nat asks Harriet for a map of the county to help him spread the word, she draws it for him—wanting to be part of something important. But the map turns out to be the missing piece that sets Nat’s secret plan in motion and makes Harriet an unwitting accomplice to the bloodiest slave uprising in U.S. history.Award-winning historical novelist Ann Rinaldi has created a bold portrait of an ordinary young girl thrust in to a situation beyond her control,


Review by

(Mom bird with food for babies)

          A while ago my little brother built a bird house. Not to long ago a family moved in! At first it was just one, as time went on we kept checking on her. One day we saw something else in the house, EGGS! That’s when my little brother got excited. We would go to the bird house and look at the eggs, but not to often or else the mom might abandon the eggs. Last week my little brother was looking in the house when he made a discovery, the eggs had hatched. So off course I went outside to look at them. At first i didn’t see them, but i heard them. If you stood in front of the house long enough they would start chirping because they thought you were the mom. After i got the step latter is when i got to see them. When you look in they open up their mouths for food. It’s really cute.

          Now, less than before, you can see BOTH bird parents going in and out with food.

When Alice heads off to camp for a counselor gig, she expects to “get the little girls in my cabin feeling like one big happy family.” Sorry, Alice. Aside from campers terrified of the outdoors and older girls who won’t shower with the younger ones, Alice has to contend with Latisha and Estelle’s racially charged arguments. Fortunately, six guy counselors provide eye-candy (and skinny-dipping companionship) for the girl counselors, and Alice heads home with some juicy stories under her belt. But what a home to come back to! Her dad’s wedding is postponed, her brother’s moving out of the house, and Pamela’s long-gone mom is trying to make nice-nice by barging into the house. Thank goodness some things turn out all right in the end.

A girl whom teen readers can identify with, Alice is one character who doesn’t lose her charm! Naylor’s heroine is as fabulous as ever, with problems familiar to girls and a personality that keeps on shining. Alice makes summer camp a whole lot sunnier! Shana Taylor

Review by Goodreads

Alice is starting high school, and everything is new. But it’s the new girl, Penny, who’s making ninth grade a real challenge for Alice. Penny is tiny and perky and a real flirt, and she seems to be focusing her attention Patrick. Even worse, Patrick seems to be enjoying it.

Alice and Patrick have been a couple so long Alice can’t imagine life without him. Suddenly she feels lost and unattractive and scared — not quite whole. How can Alice get back her confidence in herself, when she’s not even sure who she is

This book was very interesting. It was good enough to keep me on my behind for two hours reading it at the library. It had magic, and drama, a few of my favorite things.

In this family, every one is born with magic powers. Once you get to the right age you can choose to accept the powers, or reject them. This book is about the story of a girl names Millicent. She has to find ways to help without lying or else she looses her powers. It becomes really tricky when one of her friends Dad is shot dead by her brother. Will everything be all right in the end? I don’t, well i do, but your going to have to read it yourself to find out.

Here is the thing they put in the book, telling you a little bit what it’s about.

Millicent has been waiting all her life for this moment to arrive — her fourteenth birthday and the receiving of her Gift: the power to have one wish come true. For one time in her life, she can change absolutely anything she wants.

But as her birthday draws near, Millicent gets glimpses of just how much her Gift will change her life, and she begins to have doubts. She begins to wonder if such an awesome power is a gift or a burden.

Then, on a moonlit night, in the time it takes one bullet to travel twenty feet, Millicent’s world comes crashing down around her, and she is forced to face the full responsibility of her Gift.

Review by Goodreads

It started out as an ordinary summer. But the minute thirteen-year-old Zinny covered the old, overgrown trail that ran through the woods behind her family’s house, she realized that things were about to change.

Right from the start, Zinny knew that uncovering the trail would be more than just a summer project. It was her chance to finally make people notice her, and to have a place she could call her very own. But more than that, Zinny knew that the trail somehow held the key to all kinds of questions. And that — the only way to understand her family, her Aunt Jessie’s death, and herself, was to find out where it went.

From the author of the Newbery Medal-winning Walk Two Moons, here is an intricately woven tale of a young girl who sets out in search of her place in the world — and discovers it in her own backyard.

“The Seer of Shadows” is about a young boy who gets into some trouble, with the help of his mentor, of course.  The story takes place in New York City in 1872.  The main characters of the story are Horace Carpetine and Pegg.  Other characters that are highlighted in the book are Enoch Middleditch and the Von Matchs.

Horace Carpetine is  the apprentice of Enoch Middleditch who is a photographer.  Horace is kind of shy in the book.  Through out the story he doesn’t really change at all i think.  Pegg is the unpaid servant of the Von Matchs’.  She is the one who later in the story is befriended by Horace, and helps him.  Through out the story Pegg becomes less shy as she gets to know Horace.  Enoch Middleditch is Horaces mentor.  In the story he tries to scam the Von Matchs’ for more money by making it look like their dead daughter was in the photograph with Ms Von Match.  The Von Matchs’ are the wealthy clients in the book.  Eleanora Von Match is the deceased daughter, otherwise known as the ghost bent on revenge.

In the book the Von Matchs’ come to Enoch Middleditch to have Ms Von Matchs’ photograph taken to put on Eleanora’s grave.  It was supposed to calm her soul.  The actual purpose of the photo of Ms Von Match was the scare away Eleanora’s ghost, and keep her from coming back.  Enoch has the idea to make it look like Eleanora was in the photo also, and that way the Von Matchs’ would pay to have another photo taken, just to make sure.  But what Enoch didn’t know was that Eleanora really was back. And she was out to kill.

I wanna die. My mom says I can’t. I wanna die because i feel like crap.

My throat hurts and i sound like a frog when i talk.

I feel like crap and i wanna die, but i cant because my mom will cry. Boo Hoo.

and reading this book, Ride Into Morning.

1.  Civil wars divide families.  How has it divided the families in this story?

Because she doesn’t believe like her family, they send Mary away to live with her brother. When she made him mad, he sent her away to live with her cousin and aunt.

2.  Abraham tells Mary that compromise is a necessary commodity, but not all the characters agree.  How do Mary, Tempe, and General Wayne feel about compromise?  How do you feel about it?  When should you compromise, and when should you stand firm?

Tempe likes compromise, and she uses it a lot. Mary doesn’t like it, and tries has hard as she can not to use it, when she does, she goes on like it doesn’t bother her. General Wayne I’m not so sure about. When its Wednesday and my dads shooting shows are on, but I want to watch tv, is when we compromise. When it’s not Wednesday and he takes the TV while I’m watching something is when I should stand firm.

3.  What does Mary mean when she says that everyone is part and parcel of the whole of their life experiences?  In what ways have your life experiences determined who you are now?

I think she means, that everybody have small bits and pieces of life experiences and mold you as you go.  My life experiences have made me more cautious of people.

4.  Mary tells Henry, “Sometimes it helps to air old ills in the sunlight.”  What does she mean?

Sometimes its good to bring up old problems and talk about them.

Mom says:  What happened that would make you cautious of people?  Maybe we should bring it out in the sunlight.

F ashionable

A dventurous

V ery cute

O ut going

R espectful

I rrisistable

T alented

E cstatically awesome

G ood singer

I ncredible

R ighteous

L oving

Cat, Dog, Bunny, and Camillian were all ordinary household pets. And all were owned by the same little boy, Tommy.  But one day Tommy’s family decided to go on a family road trip through Arizona.  There wasn’t quite enough room in the car, so all of the animals were put in a big kennel in the back.  Tommy’s dad wasn’t really paying attention when he was loading kennel, and one of the hooks to keep it closed came undone.  The back was so full, that the door wouldn’t close, so they had to tie it shut.  It was still open enough for a person, or let’s say an animal to fit through.  And so the trip began!

The road was bumpy so with every little jump the car did, more of the hooks on the kennel became undone until all of them were unhooked.  As they were leaving a pit stop, the jolt of the car starting again pushed Cat, Dog, and Bunny against the unclosed door, the result, them piling on top one of the other on the dirty ground.  Camillian, who is still left in the kennel, is always the one who doesn’t want to be left out, so he jump out and landed on top of the pile of his friends.  Tommy’s family drove, away not know that their pets were out of the car, and left them in the dust, (literally).

One other thing that had fallen out with them is a copy of the map Tommy’s family was using.  Every body was coughing as the dust cleared and looking in shock as their family drove away.  They stood up and Camillian stepped on the map.  Always being jumpy, he (obviously) jumped onto dogs back and screamed.  Cat grabbed the map and looked at it, intrigued by what it could be.  Bunny then took it out of Cats hand and said “I’ve seen one of these before, it’s what Tommy is following. It tells humans where to go or something like that.”  Everybody gathered around. “You see that dot? That must be where they are going!So that’s where we need to go. But….. how are we going to get there.” “Well by walking of course, or in your case hopping.”  Dog said. After him saying that the four friends headed down the road in search of their owners.

As they went on they bickered. Lets go this way, no let’s go that way.  They had  gone pretty far.. about half way across the map I would say when they came to a gas station. They took this time to look at the map again. Surely someone would notice four animals at a gas station. They were in the middle of a heated argument when Cat yelled at all of them to be quiet.  She pointed to a car with a trunk that was too full and a space barely big enough for a person to fit through.  They all cheered with joy and ran to it.  They filed in one by one, and went to their spots as if they were never gone.  An ya never know, maybe they will have more adventures, but hopefully not.

linked to Monday’s Child

As they went on they bickered. Lets go this way, no let’s go that way.

they had pretty far.. about half way across the map I would say

when they came to a gas station. They took this time to look at the map again. Surely someone would notice

four animals at a gas station. They were in the middle of a heated argument when Cat yelled at all of them to be quiet.

She pointed to a car with a trunk that was too full and a space barely big enough for a person to fit through.

They all cheered with joy and ran to it.

They filed in one by one, and went to their spots as if they were never gone.

An ya never know, maybe they will have more adventures, but hopefully not.

One other thing that had fallen out with them is a copy of the map Tommy’s family was using.

Every body was coughing as the dust cleared and looking in shock as their family drove away.

They stood up and Camillian stepped on the map. Always being jumpy, he (obviously) jumped onto dogs back and screamed.

cat grabbed the map and looked at it, intruiged by what it could be.

Bunny then took it out of Cats hand and said

“I’ve seen one of these before, its what Tommy is fallowing. It tells humans where to go or something like that.”

Everybody gathered around.

“You see that dot? That must be where they are going!So that’s where we need to go. But….. how are we going to get there.”

“Well by walking of course, or in your case hopping.”

Dog said. After him saying that the four friends headed down the road in search of their owners.

To be continued……

Cat, Dog, Bunny, and Camillian were all ordinary house hold pets.

And all were owned by the same little boy, Tommy.

But one day Tommy’s family decided to go on a family road trip through Arizona.

There wasn’t quite enough room in the car, so all of the animals were put in a big kennel in the back.

Tommy’s dad wasn’t really paying attention when he was loading kennel, and one of the hooks to keep it closed came undone.

The back was so full, that the door wouldn’t close, so they had to tie it shut.

It was still open enough for a person, or lets say an animal to fit through.

And so the trip began! the road was bumpy so with every little jump the car did, more of the hooks on the kennel became undone until all of them were unhooked.

As they were leaving a pit stop, the jolt of the car starting again pushed Cat, Dog, and Bunny agenst the unclosed door, the result, them piling on top one of the other on the dirty ground.

Camillian, who is still left in the kennel, is always the one who doesn’t want to be left out, so he jump out and landed on top of the pile of his friends.

Tommy’s family drove, away not know that their pets were out of the car, and left them in the dust, (literally).

To Be Continued……

Susy went out side to play,

into the gazebo she went.

There a monkey with a ribbon about his neck,

drinking tea from the fine china.

“wont you join me?”

he asked.

And so the little girl did.

But when the mother came up too,

the monkey shouted

“oops! you caught us!”

But remember, its just some fun.


Mom says: I think you can do much better than this.  In  the meantime, let’s do some research on Jessie Wilcox Smith.  You say you want to be an artist.  She was a famous illustrator.


everybody!          listen up!

roses are red!!!!!!!!!    violets are blue…

I made this poem just for you. Valentines day

is a happy time. You can have a picnic, or go

to the zoo (animals need to be loved too).

give gifts (preferably chocolate),

go party. Or just be lonely.

Its really up to you.

But remember




This is a fairy that i drew for my mom, about a year or so ago i would say. The reason i drew it for her you ask? Well some might call her crazy, and some might call her out of her mind, but my mom believes in fairies.

So this is basically what i think fairies would look like if they did exist. My mom thinks they are the mosquito eaters, and when she brings them into the house so they won’t freeze, it drives me crazy.

But that’s just the price you have to pay for having a mom that thinks like a kid.

Linked to Monday’s Child

He snuck out at night to play with his toys

When his older sister found him and took him away

But they will see each other again, the next night

and this time he will be sure not to get caught

continued from part one…..

Since i don’t want to turn this into a really long story, I’ll skip ahead a year or two.

The two started seeing each other frequently after that. About a year later Prince Gavin asked Natalie to marry him, she said yes. There was a grand wedding, filled with commoners and royalty all around. The day after the wedding, Natalie decided to explore the enormous castle which was now her home. She had some how managed  to find her way to the dungeon, by getting lost in the incredibly long hallways. When she entered the dark musky room, her common sense told her to turn around, to go back , but her curiosity over powered her. The room was filled with mold, spiders, and rats, and it reeked of death. When she walked over to the other side of the room, the door suddenly slammed shut, and would not open again. She screamed for help, but no body came to her aid.

The moon was up, bright, and full by the time a guard had found her.The prince became worried when she hadn’t returned after many hours, and sent a search party to look for her. When they entered, the prince stepped back in horror, shock, and being mystified. She looked beautiful, yet monstrous. In a panic, the guards attacked, forcing Natalie to run around them down the long corridors. When they finally caught her, she was cornered on a balcony at the very top of the castle, towering over the kingdom. They were shoving pointy spears and swords that glimmered in the moon light. Her only choices were to be taken away to who knows where, or to jump. She chose to jump, and with her long leathery wings took flight into the night, never to be seen again.

And she knew that she would forever and always be misunderstood.


Linked to Monday’s Child

Once upon a time, there was a fair maiden, the most beautiful and elegant in all the land. She had long blond hair, tall, and flawless as thought possible.Tho as perfect as she may have seemed, she had a deep dark secret, one she feared to share with anyone. When she was born, her father made a deal with a witch in order to get food for him and his only daughter, Natalie, to survive after his wife had passed away. The deal included giving away his daughter when she reached the young age of five. So with the short time he had with her, he tried the best he could to care for her. When the witch came to collect her payment, Natalie refused to leave her fathers side, infuriating the old witch. As a punishment she put a curse on Natalie, turning her into a half bat, half girl when the moon was at its fullest.

One day when Natalie, now in her late teens, was walking through the market in order get food for her and the witch, who insisted that she called her mam, was looking at a stand full of fruits, deciding which was the best to choose. After she took her pick and paid the man minding the stand, she backed up and accidentally bumped into some one knocking their things to the ground. She quickly apologized, and picked everything up without looking at the person. When she handed them back, she saw that the person was hooded and could not see their face.

“Watch it!” they shouted so suddenly that Natalie flinched away. The hood fell of the their head, and she saw who it was. It was Prince Gavin, the heir to the throne, as soon as King Leon passed away, which was bound to be soon, because he so old, around 98 if she wasn’t mistaken. When prince Gavin’s eyes locked with hers, all the anger drained from his face, only leaving the look of being fantasized.  Gavin apologized for being so rude, and Natalie apologized for not watching where she was going, and the two struck up a conversation.

to be continued tomorrow……

review from Goodreads

Awakened (House of Night, #8)
At the start of Awakened, the pulse-pounding eighth installment of the bestselling House of Night series, Zoey has returned, mostly whole, from the Otherworld to her rightful place as High Priestess at the House of Night. Her friends are just glad to have her back, but after losing her human consort, Heath, will Zoey—or her relationship with her super- hot Warrior, Stark—e At the start of Awakened, the pulse-pounding eighth installment of the bestselling House of Night series, Zoey has returned, mostly whole, from the Otherworld to her rightful place as High Priestess at the House of Night. Her friends are just glad to have her back, but after losing her human consort, Heath, will Zoey—or her relationship with her super- hot Warrior, Stark—ever be the same? Stevie Rae is drawn even closer to Rephaim, the Raven Mocker with whom she shares a mysterious and powerful Imprint, but he is a dangerous secret that isolates her from her school, her red fledglings, and even her best friends. When the dark threat of Neferet—who is coming closer and closer to achieving her twisted goal of immortality—and Kalona returns, what will it take to keep the House of Night from being lost forever, and what will one desperate girl do to keep her heart from being irreparably broken?

We are going to Chicago and to Missouri, too!  The program is downloaded to our hard drive, so print of some of the questions and let’s get reading.

Some things to help us can be found here.


We sill use this graphic organizer to help us follow along and think about things.


review from Goodreads


The Daughters

by Joanna Philbin
The Daughters (The Daughters, #1) 
The only daughter of supermodel Katia Summers, witty and thoughtful Lizzie Summers likes to stick to the sidelines.

The sole heir to Metronome Media and the daughter of billionaire Karl Jurgensen, outspoken Carina Jurgensen would rather climb mountains than social ladders.

Daughter of chart-topping pop icon Holla Jones, stylish and sensitive Hudson Jo  The only daughter of supermodel Katia Summers, witty and thoughtful Lizzie Summers likes to stick to the sidelines.

The sole heir to Metronome Media and the daughter of billionaire Karl Jurgensen, outspoken Carina Jurgensen would rather climb mountains than social ladders.

Daughter of chart-topping pop icon Holla Jones, stylish and sensitive Hudson Jones is on the brink of her own music breakthrough.

By the time freshman year begins, unconventional-looking Lizzie Summers has come to expect fawning photographers and adoring fans to surround her gorgeous supermodel mother. But when Lizzie is approached by a fashion photographer who believes she’s “the new face of beauty,” Lizzie surprises herself and her family by becoming the newest Summers woman to capture the media spotlight.

In this debut young adult series tailored for younger teens, author Joanna Philbin explores what it’s really like to grow up in the thick of the celebrity world. As Lizzie and her two best friends (and fellow daughters-of-celebrities) juggle normal high school events with glamorous family functions, they discover the pitfalls of fame and the importance of friendship.

Hardcover, 288 pages
Published May 1st 2010 by Poppy

031604900X (ISBN13: 9780316049009)