March 2010

At my house, my bedroom caught on fire, personally, it was terrifying.

The cleaner guys, after they cleaned my room, they had to gut my room.

Here is a website about plants, it has articles, videos, and inter actives.

Just yesterday I planted some plants. So far I’ve only planted,







and Begonias.Here I am picking a pot to useHere I am filling the pots with dirt

I am not quite sure what I am doing here, my mom didn’t get the picture high enough

These are some of the things that I used

More supplies

Here I am putting dirt into the pots that I am going to useHere I am holding a Begonia Rhizome, you can see the two white stumps, those are where the flower is going to grow, so we have to face those upwardThese are some of the plants that my mom was already growing.  The white pot is growing spaghetti squash.  We had it for supper one night and my mom planted the seeds.This is growing from butternut squash seeds from a different supper.

As I go along, I will take pictures and post them, but for now, this is all. 🙂

The childhood of the kids in the early 1900s was not anything like today.  I read Factory Girl by Barbara Greenwood.


In the early 1900s, many families were very poor. While the parents were working, there was usually not enough money coming in to support the family. So many of the kids had to drop out of school at a young age, and find a job to help get money. Filthy factories were usually the only place kids under the legal working age could get a job.

Young boys are risking their toes to replace to spools

If the Inspector of the factory found out about this, he would shut down the factory, and the children would lose their jobs. In factories it was very dangerous. The men that worked there were allowed to smoke, and that was dangerous because there were flammable scraps all over the place. If there were a fire, it would be hard to get out because of the many people there, but also because the windows were boarded up. Young boys would usually go to the dump to look for things that they could sell, or use for their family, like a tea-pot that is in good shape. Sometimes, when the boys earned enough money, they bought as many newspapers as they could, and sold them on the street to make even more money, but if some papers were not sold, it was a waste. Little children sometimes went out scavenging coal for their families to use, often pushed by an old wagon or baby cart that they found.

For children, there weren’t any playgrounds for them, so they played in the streets. In the streets, there were sometimes dead animals crawling with bugs where the kids played, and it would sometimes be days before it was taken away. The people who had money, had plumbing and running water. The people who didn’t have money have to go to the bathroom in a bucket, and walk sometimes long distances to get some water. For families who lived in alley ways, a room was often turned into a kitchen, and a bedroom.

Living like that was not a good and healthy way, and people died because of it. Now, as you can see what I said was true. Childhood in the early 1900s was harsh compared to now.

I am doing a project about my great-grandmother and I.

On a site called

I am making a collage of her and I together, showing how much we look-alike.

So far I have just finished the photo, and moving on to what it was like to be 12 and working for a living.

First I will write a short essay on the book Factory Girl, then put in the photo of my great-grandmother and I, Finally, I will record every thing I’ve done onto my blog

My Tessellation from,

My Interactive Math – Poster yourself – Make your interactive poster easily and share it with friends. Mix Images, Text, Music and Video.

Vodpod videos no longer available.

more about “glog | Glogster“, posted with vodpod


1. Clean up my room

2. Make my bed

3. Get dressed

4. Look at notes mom left me on both blogs

5. Look at pictures of China fashion, modern and ancient, then draw some

6. Have mom look at them, then probably scan them in

7. Put all my shoe notes together, and any stuff I missed, before mom takes the books back

8. Put my notes into or onto online software that organizes it

9. Look over everything I’ve done

10. Eat a snack

11. Get ready for bed

12. Sleep……”zzzz”

Mom says:

The quarter is over and you still have things in the pot.

It’s time to slow down and see what you got.

Math, it was fine and an A gets the reward

Science not so good (C) and should consider the tward

Social is something that could use a bit more work,

But PE and Art are definately a perk.

So that’s four A’s and two C’s

Not bad overall

The rest of the year will be quite a breeze.

Mom says: I thought you would like this.

Mom says:

You need to do some reivew

So questions don’t hit you out of the blue.

Take some time and play with this show,

Since I think it will be a fun way to do, again, what you know.

1. Foot binding thought

2. Read Factory Girl

3. Algebra

4. Read more Factory girl

5. Lunch

6. Ms. Oherra prompts

7. use glog

8. Dinner

9. read for fun (or tv)

10. sleep

11. sleep

12. sleep

Ok, mom, you spelled Justin Bieber wrong.

Here is my list for today,

3. Review the prompts that Ms.Oherra opened for me to use in Jack’s My Access

5. Review ancient and modern Chinese fashion, and begin drawing pictures

6. Begin putting down my thoughts about high heels vs foot binding

9. Name three good things

10. Sleep peacefully

for a Hero Essay.  Only this essay needs to be a digital story or set up like a lit trip.  Here is an example of what other kids have done.

You cannot pick Justin Bieder.

Here is Lake Otis’s 1% art.

This is a video I took of the words that are under the 1% art. The words are,

Late us take the Ribbons, Black ones from Africa, Yellow ones from Asia, White ribbons of Europe, Brown ones of the Middle East, and Red Ribbons of the Americas. With then we will weave a beautiful and sacred tapestry that cannot be soiled by our prejudices.

Here is the actual sculpture,

Here I’m standing next to the sculpture.

Here is the sculpture from the end.

Here it is from the front.

From the middle,

The whole sculpture again.

My thoughts on this sculpture is, they did well showing that all races, could, and can go together. I like how all of the ribbons are intertwined, and all the colors seem to go together. Some of them are longer than others, but they still go together. When I think about it, I have never gone to a school where there weren’t different types of races. My mom said when she went to school, all of the students were white, and everybody was moving away to get away from the integration.

There are other sculptures through out the school.  They are of the Alphabet, and the photos will be uploaded, either later today or later this week.

Mom says:

I don’t know quite how to do it yet.

E-Learning Summit 2008

and teachers with enough “umph” to do things like this:

The list from yesterday, I got nine out of twelve things done. My thoughts on the list is. . . . . . . . .

It’s good to have a list, it helps you organize, and plan what your going to do next. The things I got done I will take off of the list, except for the things I do everyday like my algebra. The things I don’t do every day, and I didn’t get done, I will put on the list for today. When my mom doesn’t fallow her list, she forgets a lot of things, which usually includes my brothers custard, and he ends up even more grumpy than he usually is. When I forget things, I get frustrated, so its always good to do everything on your list if you have one.

Here is my list for today,

1.  Read the second chapter of Factory girl, on my own

2. Upload all photos I took yesterday

3. Review the prompts that Ms.Oherra opened for me to use in Jacks My Access

4. Work in my algebra workbook

5. Review ancient and modern Chinese fashion, and begin drawing pictures

6. Begin putting down my thoughts about high heels vs foot binding

7. Practice some more using tags in my posts

8. Read third chapter of Factory Girl with mom before bed

9. Nam three good things

10. Sleep peacefully

Mom says:  Better add “remember to use spellcheck” on there somewhere.  What do you do if you don’t get things done.  What if you are 80 years old and still have the same thing on your list?  Maybe it wasn’t important to start with, you think?

1. Complete three house blessing tasks, my mom will tell me which ones

2. Get photographs for my next 1% of art

3. Return those library books

4. Finish my Elements Essay

5. Review the prompts that Ms.Oherra opened for me to use in Jacks My Access

6. Work in my algebra workbook

7. Review ancient and modern Chinese fashion, and begin drawing pictures

8. Begin putting down my thoughts about high heels vs foot binding

9. Practice using tags in my posts

10. Read the first chapter of Factory Girl with mom before bed

11. Name three good things

12. Sleep peacefully